Win customers with content
The new website of VZ VermögensZentrum comes up with a lot of expert knowledge and combines this with the services of the independent financial advisors.
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Editorial approach
VZ VermögensZentrum is the leading company when it comes to independent advice on everything to do with finance, real estate, taxes and, above all, provisions and retirement. It is therefore not surprising that VZ chose an approach to the concept that puts the knowledge of its experts in the foreground.
Embedded store
Suitable products are linked to each content. Visitors can easily add leaflets, books and studies to their shopping cart or book a suitable workshop. If you would like to benefit from direct advice, you can initiate an appointment in one of the 33 branches.
All transactions – from making an appointment request to buying books and ordering a personal check-up – run directly into VZ’s CRM and thus initiate the necessary processes. When connecting the APIs, the highest requirements for data protection and data security apply.
CMS Drupal
Drupal is used as the CMS. The backend has a modular structure so that editors can flexibly put together individual pages. Numerous taxonomies are used to index different types of content. This allows the thematic bundling of content and search or filtering on overview pages.
The pages are delivered via the Fastly CDN. The caching mechanisms allow the high-performance delivery of the individual pages, which ensures very short loading times and thus a good user experience.