Corporate Websites

Your Partner for Complex CMS Projects

The corporate website is often the first touchpoint with your customers, employees, and other partners. The website determines how your business is perceived and positions itself. It is the most important communication channel you have.

Since 2012, we have been developing corporate websites for banks, hospitals, universities, and many other small and large companies across Switzerland. The goals have remained the same: creating value through the best and seamless user experience.

What is important to us

  • User Experience

    Successful projects stand out with excellent user experience. By using wireframing and user-centric design, we create concepts that offer the best user experience. With our many years of experience, we know what can be effectively implemented.

  • Performance

    Users expect high performance web solutions. With optimized code and a reliable, scalable infrastructure, our projects are fast and deliver excellent page speed.

  • Reliability

    Websites for banks, hospitals, and insurance companies must run constantly and have high availability. With solid architecture, infrastructure, and good uptime monitoring, we have historically achieved very high uptime rates.

  • Further Development & Support

    CMS projects are long-term projects. We support these projects over the long term and provide dedicated support infrastructure.

  • Security

    Security is one of our main focus areas. It is crucial to protect sensitive information and ensure the trust of our clients.

Project Workflow

Project Management

Experienced project managers guide you through the project. Using proven process methods, we approach projects methodically and ensure they are completed on time and within budget. Depending on the project, we use either a waterfall approach or agile project methods. Collaboration is done through online tools like Confluence or Atlassian.


Processes bring security and ensure a well-organized project workflow as much as possible. Our processes have proven effective over the years. The diagram shows the key phases that are followed during the project.


  • Are you looking for a partner for your new web presence?

    Andreas Bosshart

    Consulting, Partner

    Book call

Features and Integrations

  • Accessibility

    Accessibility makes the website accessible for all users. Our experience includes certifying websites according to WCAG 2.1 standards.

  • Single Sign-On Solutions

    With the implementation of Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions, users benefit from a seamless user experience. We are experienced in implementing and integrating SSO solutions such as Azure B2C, Keycloak, and Google Firebase.

  • Integrated E-Commerce Solutions

    Modern CMS solutions like WordPress or Drupal offer integrated and powerful shop functions.

  • Integration of CRM Systems

    Lead generation is often one of the most important functions of corporate websites. We have experience in integrating interfaces with major CRM systems like HubSpot, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and BSI.

  • Data and Analytics

    Integration of Analytics Tools and Creation of Dashboards

  • Data Privacy

    We ensure a privacy-compliant application. We work with consent management solutions from OneTrust, CookiePro, and CookieYes.

  • SEO

    With proven SEO expertise, we help your website achieve good rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, and others.


  • Kantonspital Winterthur

  • UniversitätsSpital Zürich

  • Vermögenzentrum

  • Local Search

  • die_Mobiliar_146

    die Mobiliar


  • ETH

Our Technologies

  • Drupal

  • Wordpress

  • Headless CMS