Reformierte Kirche Kanton Zürich
The Reformierte Kirche Kanton Zürich has a new website. The site invites visitors to discover the church's diverse engagements, learn about its values, and find out everything about the organization.
Visit website
A wide range of content that offers the right level of depth for all users – whether they are confirmands or clergy. The web presence of the Reformierte Kirche Kanton Zürich meets diverse needs.
More communication, less institutional imprint.
The web presence is primarily aimed at the members of the Reformed Church and the general public. At the same time, the website serves as an important working tool for members of church authorities and employees in the parishes. This objective results in a wide range of content that offers the right level of depth for all users – whether they are confirmands or clergy. The content architecture was designed with the target groups in mind. Thanks to easily understandable language, well-structured content, and clever content networking, a modern and attractive platform has emerged. «More communication, less institutional imprint was the goal of the new appearance», says project manager Andreas Bosshart of Dream Production.
Extranet for authorities and employees
For members of church authorities and employees in parishes, there is a new, integrated extranet on the website that provides documents and work tools for daily tasks. The extranet search allows users to specifically find guidelines and other documents. Personalized content recommendations, personal favorites, and feedback options make it a valuable work tool.
Additionally, parishes can post job openings, register for courses and events, and order publications and other resources from the integrated shop.
« With the new appearance, we primarily want to achieve one thing: to be inviting. We have succeeded in this. »
Fresh, spacious design close to the people
The website aims to be close to the people. To achieve this, the Reformierte Kirche’s sober corporate design has been complemented with warm pastel tones. Combined with authentic images and a generous use of typography, a fresh web presence has emerged that evokes emotions. Visually, the new appearance is very well received: «We want to achieve one thing with the new appearance: to be inviting. We have succeeded in this», says Nicolas Mori, Head of Communication for the Reformed Church.
Drupal with integration of SharePoint and Active Directory
Drupal is used as the CMS. This open-source CMS provides around 50 editors with tailored content blocks. Through an editorial process, they manage the content. Integration with Microsoft SharePoint allows documents to be directly embedded from the central document management system. The administrative staff use the single sign-on feature via Active Directory. To quickly find over 1,500 pieces of content, Elasticsearch with faceted search is employed.